
Tuesday, November 30

Creepy Bird.

A psychological thriller set in the world of ballet? Sounds like a reason to eat paper to me!

I wanted to see Black Swan over a year ago when I first heard about it and now, after a successfully impressive jaunt on the festival cicuit and me taking my sweet ass time to blog about it ("old news"?...meh...old news is new news!), I'm finally sharing. For those of you who haven't heard about Darren Aronofsky's latest mind bender--a featured ballerina finds herself both competing with and oddly intrigued with a new rival dancer--let yourself be informed.

Sound kind of, I dunno, girly?

Only if you haven't seen or heard of Requiem For A Dream, Aronofsky's trippy addiciton flick with Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly. Only if you haven't seen Mickey Rourke endure equal phsyical and emotional suffering as a washed up ring star in The Wrestler. Only if you don't know Aronofsky. He's just not a straight up kind of storyteller; only one of the reasons why I like him so much.

Still not convinced? Here's sharing:

So yeah, yeah, Portman and Kunis make out, get it on, whatever. Ooooh, girl on girl kissing. NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE. While there's obviously a physical entanglement between the two and a lot of...err...sexual tension, I'm more interested in how it relates to the story than it does to a curtained off area of the video store thank you very much.  Lady love aside, there's an Oscar nod in this for Portman for sure. Could even be one for Kelso's whiny girlfriend (That 70's Show? Seriously Mila Kunis, way to break a stereotype) if it weren't for one glaring obstacle in her way:
I smell crazy Barbara Hershey.

What did you think of the trailer? You see what I see? More importantly, are you going to get a little messed up culture? And SERIOUSLY, what's the deal with all the creepy birds lately?

Black Swan has a limited release December 3rd. Otherwise, watch for it post Christmas.

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