
Monday, October 25

And Now, A Word From Your Sponsor...Me!

Welcome to hey, that's my bike, the blog where I get to tell you what's cool and you get to agree with me!

...Or not.

From the tube, to the video store, your ipod to your kindle (actually, please tell me you don't have a's a BOOK. You're supposed to hold it and bend it and crease it and love it, not scroll it. See, I have an opinion already! This is gonna be awesome.) I'll be giving you my two cents on what's worth wasting your time on. And you get to take it or leave it!

Aside from sharing my thoughts on cool stuff to watch and see and read and hear, I'll also be throwing in a weekly or so spotlight on people I think deserve to be talked about, so there's that too. AND, there's art:

That's me by the way. The guy you're going to trust/argue/agree with on a daily/possibly daily/bi weekly maybe basis. I'm just your average run of the mill dude meets husband meets dad meets writer boy meets entertainment affectionato.

And you?

Who are you? Introduce yourself why dontcha. Give me a shout in the comments (I've enabled that feature, yes?)...I have a feeling it'll be just the beginning...of the shouting that is. Because, hey, I'm not expecting us to always agree...

I'm just expecting to always be right. It is my bike after all.

Okay, time to start peddling!


Bruce James
hey, that's my bike. 


  1. see, already i love it! looking forward to reading more, and arguing and maybe even agreeing too. already, you: team jacob and me: team edward. the fun we will have! (love you cutie.)

  2. um, my bike just got hit by a cab. what does THAT mean??! x

  3. i think this is going to be more fun than facebook. as a neglectful friend on the other side of the world i would like to dedicate a fitting tune in honor of "hey, that's my bike."

  4. Dude, you can blog on the internet now?

  5. I myself like the "Tunes" artwork....

  6. I'm excited to see where this goes!! Yippee!!!
